
Winston County Natural Resources Council: Working with Bats and Forestry Workshop – Cullman

 Learn about bats in Alabama forests, how to beneficially manage forests for bats, and state and federal regulations for bats.

Who Should Attend : Wildlife Biologists, Foresters, Procurement Foresters, Timber Buyers, Loggers, Natural Resources Professionals , Landowners and Students with responsibilities for forest land management.

Objectives of Workshop:  Objectives of this workshop are to raise awareness about forest bats while providing management tools to natural resource professionals, specifically

 Bats of Alabama and their benefits.

 Learning about BMPs for Bats (silviculture, timber harvesting and fire)

 Management Implications /Listed Bat Consultation and Management recommendations.

 Assessing habitat suitability for bats.

Class will have an afternoon field session, brief light walking may be required.

PLM and CFE credits for foresters & wildlife biologist will be offered

Registration is required.  Contact Brad Nail for more information –

Online registration:  REGISTER

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Washington Digital News

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